Fashion Events & Industry News

Lucy Norris Communications expert - How to use video webinar for Ethical Brand Directory

Using Video to Communicate With Your Customers | Supporting Small Businesses

Communications expert, Lucy Norris, joined Ethical Brand Directory’s supporting small businesses webinar on the 16th of April, sharing her expert knowledge on “Using video to communicate with your customers.” We are very thankful to Lucy for offering her time and delivering a valuable and very relevant webinar. Lucy Norris is a world-renowned Communications skills coach […]

Using Video to Communicate With Your Customers | Supporting Small Businesses Read More »

Supply Chain

Taking the time to Understand Sustainability in the Supply Chain

Jamie Beck joined Ethical Brand Directory’s supporting small business webinar on 22nd April to share his expertise on sustainability within the supply chain. Jamie has had many years of experience working in supply chain management, therefore, had a lot of wisdom to share with us! Sustainability in the Supply Chain Jamie Beck is the founder

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Toyin Laketu, Staying Competitive in a Challenging Environment Webinar for Ethical Brand Directory

How to Stay Competitive in a Challenging Environment with Toyin Laketu

“How to stay competitive in a challenging environment?” is a question Toyin Laketu answered when she joined Ethical Brand Directory in our supporting small business webinar series. She shared her expertise and presented a very relevant webinar providing great insight and advice on how businesses can operate through difficult climates. Toyin Laketu, Founder of Onwards

How to Stay Competitive in a Challenging Environment with Toyin Laketu Read More »

Rachel Kan, Sustainable Supply Chain and Ethical Sourcing webinar for Ethical Brand Directory

Sustainable Supply Chain and Ethical Sourcing with Rachel Kan

Ever wondered how to create a sustainable supply chain or source ethically? Rachel Kan, founder of Circular Earth, joined Ethical Brand Directory’s supporting small business webinar series on the 23rd April to share her expertise on maintaining a sustainable supply chain and guidance on how to source materials ethically. Rachel Kan Founder of Circular Earth 

Sustainable Supply Chain and Ethical Sourcing with Rachel Kan Read More »

Ethical Brand Directory Blog | Supporting SMall Businesses Webinar Series | COVID 19 Support Service

Supporting Small Businesses | Webinar Series (2020)

As Coronavirus continues to sweep the globe, its financial impact is being felt by all businesses, especially small, independent businesses who rely on their close community of customers to stay afloat.  According to their member survey, the National Small Business Association found that 3 in 4 small-business owners are very concerned about the economic impact

Supporting Small Businesses | Webinar Series (2020) Read More »

Ethical Brand Directory | Sponsor and Host for Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution 2020 Event Blog

Proud to Sponsor & Host Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution Week 2020 – what an amazing turn out considering none of us could be together in person. Ethical Brand Directory was proud to sponsor Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution this year – which was hosted completely online! We teamed up with Jo Salter from Where Does It Come From, Claire Couchman from Couchman

Proud to Sponsor & Host Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution Read More »

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