A Conscious Closet

With Roberta Lee

Building a conscious closet (or creating a sustainable wardrobe) is a different experience for everyone.  It’s not something that you can rush, and you cannot just ‘buy’ one either and a sustainable wardrobe  (or closet) is something that develops over a period of time, thought, carefully planning, and considered purchases, as well as repairs, swaps, rentals, redesigns and upcycling. 

Our founder Roberta Lee and London’s very own Sustainable Style expert has helped countless women (and men) over the past 10+ years work on their personal style. 

 The result? A wardrobe full of clothes that they love, they want to wear, that they treasure and can wear on repeat in multiple outfit combinations. 

Roberta shared her 10-step plan that she uses when she works with new clients, so you can plan out a wardrobe that will not only be functional, but stylish and aligned with the things you care about the most. 

10 steps towards a conscious closet

Building a sustainable wardrobe is a journey not a final destination - Roberta lee


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Confidence, Style & Sustainability 

Join our founder and enrol on the online course for women who want to look good, feel great about themselves – and make a positive impact on the planet. 
Use code EBD10 to get 10% off 


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Personal styling is powerful tool that when utilised consciously and with intent, can give you the confidence you need to get through everyday life – and give you that extra boost when you need it, and are reaching for your goals. 

Our Founder Roberta Lee and our in-house stylist loves saying that ” what you wear tells a story” 


Being truly connected to who you are and what you believe in, and wearing those values is the most empowering experience a person can tap into.  And not just occasionally, you can that buzz every time you open your closet – and step into clothes that are meaningful and look beautiful on you.



Get help with your personal shopping

Whether you are an public figure looking to define your USP, a career person looking to make your mark at work, personal styling can help you in so many ways.

If you’re opting for an ethical and sustainable style transformation it can be a difficult transition – but our founder is here to help! 

An under-praised benefit of knowing your personal style is that you can help save the planet! Less clothing consumed and wasted means less stress on our planet.


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