The EBD Team and Roberta Style Lee are excited to present our first Sustainable Styling Workshop & Clothing Swap in London on 24 January 2019
Is it time for a New year, New You, New Wardrobe? For many of us its all about new starts.
This hasn’t been truer for our events coordinator Alessia who turned 30 this year. She shares with us why she’s been inspired to create a sustainable wardrobe and why she’s passionate about being involved in this event.
Why should we invest in a new wardrobe?
“A whole new season in life is one of many reasons why a woman’s wardrobe needs refreshing, but even just not being in love with it anymore is a good one! I’ve turned 30 and I feel mine is ready for an update” – Alessia
What are the benefits of knowing your style?

- Quite simply put – knowing your personal style can help save the planet. That’s a quote that our founder Roberta Lee is famous for saying! It’s her strap line – and it makes sense.
- Knowing your personal style means shopping is easier and you only buy what you need.
- Knowing your personal style means your clothing choices are reflective of your personality and core values.
- Knowing your personal style means you will buy pieces that you’ll wear and love for a long time.
- Knowing your personal style means less style conflicts and outfit crisis
- Finally, knowing your personal style means you’ll waste less and be able to afford in the very best.
Does knowing your style matter?

It takes a person only 3 seconds to form an impression of you: before they even speak to you, your clothes and the way you carry yourself makes an impact.
Isn’t it worth investing in the better impression of ourselves possible?
I know that the idea of being styled can be daunting, and maybe you had a bad experience before with someone who made you feel like their doll, being dressed for a part like an actor on the stage, completely different from who you are, but Roberta’s motto is that “Styling isn’t about changing you – it’s about enhancing you”.
Styling can be empowering
Roberta’s styling sessions are positive and empowering experiences, where you will learn what works best for your colours and body type, as well as what fits best with your lifestyle, so that whatever new thing comes into your wardrobe complements the vision for yourself that emerges from the styling process.
Supporting the pre-loved market
Many bloggers have promoted the benefits of donating unwanted clothes to charity as a sustainable option, as well as a wallet-friendly one, but the reality is that only 10-30% of donations get sold in the charity shops. What happens to the rest?
According to research by Dr Andrew Brooks, lecturer in development geography at King’s College London and author of Clothing Poverty, the rest ends up sold in the second- hand trade overseas, which not only adds to the carbon footprint of the fashion industry worldwide, but creates less demand for new clothes in less wealthy countries, which impacts their jobs.
Curated Clothing Swaps are a great option to refresh your wardrobe
Traditional clothing swaps can be… well, rather scary, scavenger experiences where people dump their unwanted clothes in the hope to get their hands on more. Roberta Lee, who is the stylist hosting the event on the 24 January knows this all too well. She’s attended many swaps where the clothes she’s donated have had their tags on and in impeccable condition, to be greeted with old, smelly, moth eaten clothes in the swap.

This is why Roberta believes a curated collection is necessary.
It means no overwhelm and a chance to refine your style to something that suits you without impulse purchases.
Curated collections give new life to unwanted items– helping their appear all shiny and new. Encouraging the experience of shopping in a boutique rather than rummaging at a car boot sale.
Extending the life of clothes
Extending the life of an item for even just 9 months saves the planet £5 billion in resources needed for the supply, launder and disposal of clothes. But our event is not just about doing what’s good for the planet, it’s about doing what’s good for you.
As the Ethical Brand Directory’s Event Coordinator, I am excited to bring you such a knowledge-filled event to kick-start the year, and I look forward to seeing you there for what looks like a great time. Spaces are limited and selling fast, so grab your place now. You really don’t want to miss out.