Now is the time to help people. Covid-19 has disrupted life for us all. And providing content that can solve people’s immediate problems and concerns is necessary. We need it. It is a genuine ‘need’ that gives us clear guidance on what we can do to help – because we can relate to the problem, we are all living through it. The main thing that will see us through is maintaining a positive mindset and undertaking as much activity which creates positive outcomes as possible. The main thing is that we all try to follow the Government guidelines and stay at home. If you are struggling with your mental wellbeing (I am personally suffering from social isolation anxiety), please check out the NHS website with some great tips to stay sane at home.
It’s a difficult time for us, we are all in the same boat, experiencing the unknown and seeing the world face everything other than business as usual. We are all facing similar problems, and we’re all looking for support and resources to see us through home isolation, dealing with social shielding and distancing. The power of positivity has never been more crucial.
Covid-19 and the global response to it is like nothing we’ve ever encountered before… amongst all the chaos is the opportunity to ‘be better’ and ‘kinder’ to ourselves, others and the planet. If you run a business, a blog or even a community group – now is the time to be ‘active’ and out there. People need you.
Covid-19 Home Isolation, Social Distancing & SOCIAL SHIELDING Problems include:
▪️anxiety & stress
▪️healthy eating
▪️physical fitness
▪️fighting isolation boredom
▪️creating a sense of normality
▪️community & social interaction
▪️budgeting finances
▪️effective digital working
▪️moving an offline business online
▪️reorganising the home
What other services and support are you looking for right now?
Do any of the above issues/problems resonate? If they do, that’s your angle for creating content or services that can help the nation get through this testing time.
Disruption to life and business as usual

I work with lots of ethical brands that don’t know what to do right now. They need to keep selling things to stay afloat but many are conflicted in how to do so, in an ethical way.
The irony is that these amazing little brands that have been leading the way helping others and doing good in the world, will suffer the most. We must try to support these small businesses.
My advice to the Ethical Brand Directory family is that there has never been a more important time to ‘share’ what they do and their amazing stories. We’re all desperate for ‘positive news’ right now.
My only bit of advice is to avoid hard ‘selling’ during this time and start the conversation by showing support. Those that can afford to shop and buy services will pay, those that can’t won’t. We should think about how we can help both.
Content Ideas For Brands and Businesses

It’s a crazy time for us all. We are all struggling. If you’re stuck for content ideas and worry about how to ‘sell’, here are some great content opportunities which don’t involve any hard selling tactics. Just focus on the current needs of the world and share how you are:
▪️coping with stress and anxiety, share your meditation and self-care routines
▪️staying healthy and feeding the family (meal ideas and how to be resourceful)
▪️staying active – for many homes, physical fitness space will be limited – share your favourite routines or fitness apps
▪️homeschooling your children and any ideas or tips that are working (or not working) for you!
▪️fighting boredom, what DIY tasks are you focused on? What tips can you share to help people stay productive?
▪️creating a sense of normality and getting up each day and getting dressed for work etc
▪️the lack of physical social interaction, what social activities are you doing to stay sane?
▪️budgeting finances, applying for funding or grants, opting share resources with others
▪️being an effective digital worker, what apps, tips or tricks can you share to make the most out of this time at home?
▪️moving your offline business online, what’s possible, what are the opportunities, what resources are helpful?
▪️keeping your home organised, neat and tidy, yet multi-functional
Create a common connection
The common connection we all have with one another right now is that we are all ‘human’ and have the same fears and anxiety around ‘not knowing’ what will happen. Some of us are better at channelling that energy into positive action. Some of us look to others for inspiration. Many of us are searching the web and reading our emails. This is the time to share. People have time to read, want information, distraction, to feel good etc and are actively looking for help or a nice distraction.
Help your current customers or potential new ones: just be there for them.
Connect with them. Share your story, maybe they can relate. Share your tips, maybe you help them solve a problem.
Use the topics above to help you write content that can serve others during this difficult time. Your opportunity to ‘sell’ them your product or service will come naturally at a later date. It could be a few days after you share some great content, a week, a month or even a year. Do the right thing, act with integrity, be kind, be helpful and your ideal customers who want to (and can afford to) buy from you will.

Left to right: Oisin, Jewelled Buddha and Artisan and Fox
Rishi Sunak unveiled that there would be up to £330bn allocated to help to support businesses both large and small. And an additional £20bn will available in the form of grants and tax breaks. But that’s certainly not easing the worries of small business owners I speak to. Many are self-employed and do not (yet) qualify for the support. However, this is changing daily and more is being done by the government to support everyone affected by Covid-19. Our advice is to keep checking the government website.
If you’re wondering what else you can do, please take a look through our directory and you’ll find amazing stories, amazing products and wonderful people who have worked hard to create small businesses that give back. If you can afford to support them and buy a few ethically sourced and produced items – it would make their day. I am reassured every sale comes with a happy dance too.
Stay safe and keep in touch. Let us know what other resources or blogs you’ve found that have helped you get through this unprecedented time!
Founder of Ethical Brand Directory
Don’t Forget to Check out our blog: 7 Ways To Support Small Business during Covid-19