I absolutely love Vintage stores, they take me back to a simpler time where exploring clothes and assembling outfits was fun. In my twenties I used to spend my weekends browsing the Vintage stores in ...
Who do you look towards when celebrating International Women’s Day?  This post is in tribute to female leaders, influencers and game-changers that are working hard to change what it means to be...
  The Going Green Keynote Speakers   Roberta Lee  the founder of the Ethical Brand Directory and Roberta Style Lee, will be sharing her journey from fast fashion junkie to ethical adv...
This month we are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th February. When we first came across the idea several years ago it always seemed to be about large financial acts of kindness, leav...
What are Microbeads? And how are they connected to the beauty industry?  Microbeads are tiny pieces of plastic found in many very well known conventional beauty and skin care products - by many h...
Sustainable tourism is complex and very often we don't take into consideration the things we can't see, what unethical and unsustainable practises lurk within the supply-chain? Sustainability is ...
Greenwashing is rife, not only in fashion but all businesses. If you are not sure what Greenwashing means, how greenwashing affects you, or how to spot it and what to do about it, this blog will help...
Guest Blog Have you ever considered sustainable tourism? Or though about the environmental and ethical impact of your holidays? Many people don't think about holidays when they are switching to a more...
Guest Blog Post:  At The Frugal Family our motto is Spend Less, Use Less, Do More – so we've come up with 5 Tips For Conscious Living in 2018 which we think will be helpful when you're thinking...
Guest Blog Post  Ever since I started out as a teenager doing a summer job in a designer lingerie factory in my home town, I have wanted to manufacture in the UK. Local production boosts home industr...

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