Random Acts of Kindness Day

This month we are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th February. When we first came across the idea several years ago it always seemed to be about large financial acts of kindness, leaving money for people or buying them items they needed – and this is just wonderful. However, for those on a budget it felt as if you couldn’t take part…  BUT we have come across so many ways you can show random acts of kindness for free or frugally depending on your situation.
Here at The Frugal Family we shared our ‘frugal acts of kindness’ calendar for the month of December which we managed to complete (with a few swaps due to weather problems). It gave us a new sense of purpose as a family and proved that we could have a positive impact on ourselves, each other and our wider community in a very easy and practical way.

So here are some ideas for how you can take part in this wonderful day, and any other time you would like to show kindness:


Random Acts of Kindness For Yourself:

  • Plan a day or evening to yourself, that could be going out or staying in but something you really enjoy, think could not should!
  • Treat yourself to an item from your ‘wish list’ – you have one right? It could be something you have wanted for a long time, or just a small thing to make your life easier or nicer.
  • Get in touch with a good friend you haven’t seen for ages, either a call, FaceTime or email to say hi! Of course this is an RAK for them too x
  • Gift yourself an online or in-person course or membership, something that will help you with self care, or teach you something new and exciting. For example Roberta Lee Style for self esteem or FutureLearn for a more academic FREE course.
  • Make or buy a treat; you can search on Ethical Brand Directory for a face mask, bath bomb, new piece of clothing or (in my case) some stationery! For example Natural Fresh Living have a range of beautiful toiletries.
  • Or you could make your own face mask you can just add a little olive oil to some set honey, creating a paste, with a little brown sugar for a scrub if you feel the need.


Random Acts of Kindness For Your Family:

  • Plan a fun family adventure, a visit to a new park, film night with popcorn or to see a family film at the cinema.
  • Make a list of things you would like to do together this year, and leave it somewhere you can all see for reference.
  • Leave a sweet treat or similar on the kids pillow to discover when they go to bed.
  • Make a favourite dinner and pudding.
  • Take time to just do what the kids want one weekend, play and be silly – the dishes can wait.
  • Have a special meal, afternoon tea or surprise visit to share the love x


Random Acts of Kindness for the Wider Community:

  • Pick up litter on your street.
  • Leave a note/gift for the Refuse Collectors.
  • Share items you no longer need on local free recycling sites.
  • Use your local high street more and encourage others to.
  • Use your local library or mobile library service.
  • Make some cookies for the teachers, police, fire station, you get the idea.
  • Pop a thank you card through any doors on your street that you want to.
  • Buy from independent and ethical producers.
  • Smile at people
  • Say Thank You
  • Feed the birds
  • Donate any winter wear and coats to a homeless charity or charity shop.
  • Keep it going and consider a local group you could support on a longer term basis.

Here’s hoping you can really find something magical to do on Random Acts of Kindness Day, and that you may receive some kindness as well.

I truly believe that loves goes around and comes back, so what you put out in the World has a real benefit.


Claire Lyons
Frugal Living Blogger for Ethical Brand Directory 

Claire is also the creator of Frugal Family Website, a place where families can find ethically frugal ideas and inspiration. Find out more: https://www.thefrugalfamily.co.uk



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