Membership Terms & Conditions

Thank you for wanting to become part of the Ethical Brand Network (EBN) Family and joining our community.

Here are the terms of your membership, which you must read fully and before making payment.

1. Understanding the Ethical Brand Network Services and Abbreviations 

We refer to the wider Ethical Brand Network as EBN, which includes: Ethical Brand Directory as EBD.  We refer to the Ethical Brand Academy as EBA. We refer to Ethical Brand Boutique as EBB.  And all of these business units are owned fully by Roberta Style Lee (the trading name) and referred to as RSL, the registered company The FIT Consultancy Ltd.  We may contact you notifying you of changes to the services and we may refer to these acronyms.

2. Payment Terms

We require all annual memberships paid upfront and in full. Ethical Brand Academy membership renewals will be issued monthly or you can opt to pay annually. You can pay via PayPal, by credit card (we use Stripe) if you prefer to do BACS payment please CONTACT US so we can set up a manual invoice and schedule it for the recurrence required.  Notify us ASAP if you prefer to do BACS payments.

3. Refunds & Cooling Off Period

We are able to offer a refund within the usual 14-days cooling-off period as long as no work has commenced by the EBD Team or no access has been attempted to the membership site/and or community.  If you do choose to cancel an order within this timeframe and the service has already started, you will be charged for the work carried out and the service that you have had the benefit of.

If you want to get your membership started without waiting for 14 days after purchase, you will have to give your consent to waive the 14-day cooling-off period.
Consent is implied when you make your payment and start the onboarding process.  

4. Membership Period

Your membership starts the day your payment is made and will entitle you to a full 12-months of exposure on our directory / and or 12-months of access to our Ethical Brand Academy (if you have selected the annual option) or monthly access if you are on the monthly plan.

5. Members File Storage

We provide members with their own Zoho Folder for storing marketing assets (Pro & Plus Members) 

Every EBD  brand is set up with its own folder after payment is made. Please use this folder to add high-res images, logos, and videos we can use for marketing purposes, this is instead of using Dropbox or Wetransfer. You agree to use your own folder and to leave all other content that may be accessible to you alone. You agree to not abuse these storage limits and to only upload relevant materials and you will be held responsible for uploading any viruses into our network. Caution is required when downloading files – never upload anything that you cannot verify the identity of into any of the platforms used for the Ethical Brand Network.

5. Membership and Participation (Pro & Plus Members) 

All brands are required to participate in the EBD Family activities to help raise awareness of their own brand. EBD operates on the basis that we are #StrongerTogether.  Results are therefore varied and will be vastly increased by active participation from a brand, regularly and consistently engaging in activities led by the EBD Team. Each member acknowledges that our services are like a gym membership – it only works if you use it.

6. Creating Mutually Beneficial Backlinks

We issue brands with their own unique URL to the directory (Directory members only).  Which we recommend you add to your own website and inform visitors that you are a member of our organisation – by creating these backlinks we enhance your SEO and it helps boost ours, which helps you gain more visibility. We credit our Pro & Plus members with £10 upon completion.  You must maintain this badge and link throughout each year of your membership.

7. Paid Promotions (Pro & Plus Members) 

From time to time EBD may run paid promotions and marketing campaigns. There may be a small fee for EBD brands to contribute. This will range from £10 to £100 depending on the campaign and the number of brands participating. Brands are not obligated to participate and do so at their own risk.

8. EBD + EBA  Membership New Joiner Perks (Pro & Plus Members) 

All Ethical Brand Directory (EBD) & Academy (EBA) members are invited to attend a 1-hour session with our founder Roberta Lee, to discuss their business needs and have a business development brainstorming call.  Brands are required to book this 1-hour session using her booking diary available on 

This service can be recalled at any time and is not guaranteed. Honoring this service is at the discretion of our founder Roberta Lee.

9. EBA Membership (Pro & Plus Members) 

All EBA members get access to work with our team of Trusted Trainers who are experts within their fields at a preferential rate. All pre-recorded training within EBA is included in the membership – and is also available to those on the basic plan.  Pro Members are invited to participate in quarterly mastermind calls – failure to attend these will result in section 17 of the Terms of Membership being void.

10. EBA Training 

New training is announced using email and posted in the ZOHO Hub and booking is required by Eventbrite for all members and non-members. If you do not save info [@] to your safe list you will miss out on announcements.  Members are responsible for checking communications and adding training to their diaries.

10. Opportunities & Announcements (Pro & Plus Members) 

Offers, promotions, collaboration opportunities are all announced in the ZOHO Hub, a private knowledge-sharing site exclusive to our Pro & Plus Members. Members are responsible for checking communications and adding key dates to their diaries. If you do not log in to the ZOHO hub (Private Members Community) you will miss out on announcements. and – failure to attend any of these will result in section 17 of the Terms of Membership likely being void.

11. EBD Fashion Brands Exposure (Pro & Plus Members) 

Our founder Roberta Lee, works with high-profile clients, up and coming celebrities, on fashion editorial shoots and fashion shows. She will often reach out to the EBD Family to see who wants to get involved.  For event styling, turnaround times can be as short as 48-hours – therefore fast response times and the ability to ship items to London quickly is essential.  Any styling and PR opportunities are accepted at your own risk – no guarantees for the safe return of your items can be made, or that they will get any publicity.

These VIP styling requests are usually issued via email or posted in the ZOHO Hub.  If you do not save our company emails to your safe list you will miss out on these announcements. If you do not provide a mobile phone number so that you can be contacted quickly via WhatsApp, you are at risk of missing opportunities. EBN cannot be held responsible for missed opportunities.

12. EBD Listings (Pro & Plus Members) 

All new brands on the Directory will have two separate 12-month drip marketing campaigns created by the team, your new listing and interview will have their own campaign. Each campaign is announced on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter and then pushed out across Twitter for the rest of the year. Twitter is a great way to drive consistent traffic to your brand founder interview and directory listing.  In order for brands to qualify for annual drip marketing promotions, they must have a Twitter account.

13. EBD Team – Here To Support You 

EBD & EBA is currently run by a very small team. Therefore most of the resources provided for our members are ‘self-service’ and wait times can vary, we ask you to give us up to 48-hours minimum to reply to your messages.  Urgent support calls should always be sent to us using the CONTACT US form.

14. Social Media & Content Creation 

Social Media at EBD is supported by Roberta, freelancers, and/or interns.  Every 6-months our internship placements change, therefore it is likely you will be contacted regarding social media promotions via different people throughout the year.   

15. Support Within The Private Members Community 

The EBD team encourages EBD members to support one another on social media. If you are active on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and want to create a buzz around the posts, you can request that EBD members comment or share your post. You are welcome to add these types of posts to the community chat forum. But we ask you not to spam the space with daily self-promotional posts – the Private Members Community is not to be used as an engagement pod for your own social media.  Never share links from untrusted website locations or share links sent to you from social media platforms unless you know they are genuine. Cyber security is incredibly important and any member that puts our other members at risk, due to their own personal negligence may have their own membership terminated.

15. What Success Looks Like (Pro & Plus Members) 

Your participation in EBD activities is optional, however, the outcome and success of your brand will be dramatically increased by your active participation. You, therefore, understand that you are responsible for getting the most out of your membership, and section 17 of the Terms of Membership will not be applicable to you.

16. Measuring your success (Pro & Plus Members) 

You will be invited to complete a short survey to measure where you are in your business at the start of your membership, in 6-months and again at 12-months to ensure you are making progress. It is up to you to make sure this is done. 

17 Our promise to you (Pro & Plus Members) 

If for any reason you do not see any progress, there is no improvement in your business as a result of your membership with EBD, we promise to make it right. 

We remind all of our members that they must take advantage of the opportunities and guidance offered throughout the 12-month membership (brands are required to participate in the Private Member’s Community and complete the quarterly benchmarking surveys throughout the year). 

If for any reason you do not see results after 12-months, and you’ve actively participated in our initiatives and can demonstrate no progress has been made – we will extend your membership for 6-months free of charge. To ensure this is arranged make sure you CONTACT US and have all relevant information ready. so we can review your claim.

You must adhere to all 16 of the terms and conditions, in order to remain an eligible member.