How to Recycle Halloween Outfits & Decorations

If you like Halloween it’s quite likely that you have got all sorts of very specific decorations, costumes and other items that you only need for the day. Some things you can of course keep for next year, and we have a box of bits that has it’s annual trip in and out of the attic.
However, there are also some things that you won’t need again, so here are some ideas of how to recycle rather than seeing them end up in landfill…


Unwanted Halloween Costumes

If you and the kids like to dress up you can make lots of great costumes from things you have around the house. Hold onto the items and add them to the dressing up box for future use.  You may find that because kids just keep on growing, a costume won’t be suitable for next year so could you:

• Donate to a local amateur dramatics group
• Sell them online or locally – they have only been worn once!
• Donate to a nursery/pre-school/after school club
• Donate to a friend or relative who can use it next year
• Give to charity
• Reuse/Recycle into something else… like a scarecrow?
• Borrow/Share costumes from friends or via a freecycle group


Halloween Outfit Ideas for next year

Rather than buy a one-use costume think about buying an outfit you could wear more than once, like t-shirts or pjs. Face paints, hats and headpieces are a great way to make ordinary outfits feel like part of the costume – there’s no need to buy cheap disposable outfits then. You can invest in good quality items that can be used for all occasions.

There is a 10% off code on EBD right now for Tommy & Lottie kids clothes so you can plan ahead! Instead of a solely Halloween item, what about an Autumnal woodland animal? Perhaps you can think about a multi-use costume e.g. Harry Potter that would do for World Book Day and other dress up occasions…

It’s easier than you think to make a costume with things you already have, instead of buying a one-use item. Of course it takes a bit of time – but that’s where all the fun is!



Waste Free Pumpkin Creations 

It’s always fun to carve a pumpkin, and even for the less artistic they can be a good way to show if your house is ‘open’ for Trick or Treaters – to have a pumpkin lit on your doorstep or window. You need to be careful to check if you are buying an edible pumpkin or one just for display. The edible ones can of course be used for making soups, stews and pies – and the seeds are lovely toasted.

For the display ones could you:
• Donate them to a local farm or zoo for the animals to eat
• Hang them with bird food inside for your garden or a local park
• Compost them


Easy Waste Free Halloween Ideas for next year

So maybe you found this blog a little late and you’ve already prepared for Halloween this year.
What about growing your own pumpkins for next year? If you don’t have your own garden space, check out your local community allotment – it’s possible you could share the pumpkin growing duties (and costs) with other families and kids and do the harvest together (sharing the workload).




Sustainable Halloween Decorations

If they are things you will use every year it might be better to invest in some really good quality decorations, rather than buying and binning each time.

Alternatively if you have children – get them into production and make your own! It keeps them busy for an afternoon, uses up some scrap paper and magazines and can then be recycled in November.

If you want to use themed plates etc, then buy for long term use, or make sure the paper plates can be recycled. Rather than buy lots of expensive special foods, get creative in the kitchen with a few spider shaped cutters and some green food colouring!


Zero Waste Trick or Treating?

Just a few thoughts about all those sweets and wrappers that cannot be recycled… It’s easy to buy lots of little products covered in plastic. Maybe we you could find a product in a large bag that kids can take one of – last year we used jumbo marshmallows… or even better make treats at home without using any packaging at all – just one container to store them all in.


Eco-friendly Face-paints

One more thought if you go the whole hog and use make up – try to find cruelty free brands, check out EcoStardust who create plant based eco-friendly pots of body glitter x


Claire Lyons
Ethical Brand Directory Guest Blogger 
Creator of Frugal Family Website

Claire creates a place for families to find ethically frugal ideas and inspiration. Find out more:


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