Going Green in 2018 with Georgina From pebble magazine

We invited Georgina Wilson Powell to talk at our Going Green in 2018 online summit on the 24th April 2018 to speak about the latest green trends and changes in consumer behaviour. Ahead of the event we wanted to interview her to find out a bit more about why she wanted to participate and get her opinion on the green issues we face today.

Why did you want to get involved in the Going Green in 2018 Online Summit?

It sums up everything we’re about – which is encouraging more people to embrace sustainable living. pebble magazine is full of inspiration and information for living a lighter life – and there’s no need to sacrifice style or fun or comfort or any of those lovely things.As we’re an online title we have a global audience and we’re looking forward to connecting with people far and wide who are on the same journey and see where we can help!

What issues are you most concerned with right now regarding the future of our planet?

Sadly so many! Our addiction to fast fashion is a real concern for us – not just the environmental damage that the textile industry does but also the sheer volume of clothes that are produced, most of which end up in landfill where they don’t decompose.Microplastics, which we now know are in everything including us, will become a much bigger issue as our reliance on plastic has rocketed in the last couple of decades. We want to encourage people to move away from plastic as much as possible – and even though we’re on your phone and your computer – to spend more time away from a screen and be outside.

What are the most challenging aspects of going green and being more eco-friendly for you?

Like everyone, the real challenges are cost and convenience. Who has buckets of money to spend on expensive eco-alternatives – it’s about being as eco as you can within your budget.No one is perfect and gets it right 100% of the time, so we want to help people make realistic changes without too much browbeating – and we’re always looking for affordable and aspirational ways to create a greener life – the good news is there are lots of people out there to help you and more brands geared towards an eco-friendly life than ever before.

You can find out how to conquer ethical fashion with Vicky on at our next event on Earth Day 2019.



Today plastic is so common that it’s hard to imagine living in a world without it. We’ve got 5 simple solutions for you to join the plastic free movement.

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