We believe that as a business, it is important for us to define our values – and as a consumer that you are able to shop by them. These values set a standard for how we want to run our business and what impact we want to have on the world. We do the hard work for you, scouting for brands that we believe act with integrity, honesty and create products or provide services that can help you make a positive impact.
Our Founder Roberta Lee wanted to make it easy for style conscious consumers like you to find brands that are aligned with your values, without feeling the need to sacrifice on luxury items in order to do good. Our simple values icons help you see which brands are aligned with the things you care about the most.
Our brands must be meet basic ethical business conduct criteria that expects ‘fair pay and dignified working conditions for all people involved in their business’ evidence of sustainable business practices, and be aligned with at least 3 of the EBD values (shown below) as well as working towards at least 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Discover a range of beautiful but responsible brands, that prioritise people and the planet on our directory.
Ethical Brand VALUES



Donates to Charity


Fair Trade


Loved by RSL

Natural Materials

Not Tested on Animals

Organic Materials



Supporting Women


Ethics & Sustainability
Unlike most businesses our Founder Roberta Lee sat down and created her values first and built everything else on top of them, they are the foundation. They are our guiding principles in all that we do, at work, at home and everything in-between.
“I believe it is possible to live life and do business ethically and sustainably without causing harm to other people, and minimising our negative impact on the planet.” – Roberta Lee
You can see a more detailed page that discusses Ethics & Sustainability at EBD, and head over to Roberta Style Lee to find out how it all started.