September sure is a busy month. To make it easier for you we’ve rounded up some great ways to get involved and be sustainable. What should we expect from London Fashion Week? Will many people take part in the #buynothingnew movement? And how many people will give Zero Waste week a serious go?
Across the 30 Days
Second Hand September
Every week 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill. The throwaway fashion culture has put undeniable stress on our planet’s resources and has disconnected us from healthy longlasting relationships without clothes. Like our founder says “Clothes shouldn’t be disposable like takeaway wrappers” Join Oxfam’s Second Hand September and pledge to say no to new clothes for 30 days.
2nd – 6th September 2019
Zero Waste Week
Founded in 2008, the Zero Waste Week movement is designed to team help individuals, businesses, organisations, schools, universities and community groups reduce landfill waste, save money and preserve resources. The week is about hands-on, simple tasks you can test out and try and work into your life.
Our founder Roberta got to know Rachelle, the founder a few years back and has been passionate about supporting the cause all year round. Roberta even ran a series of zero waste inspired facebook lives (which you can watch if you head over to Roberta’s facebook page) which focused on sustainable style!
Let us know what you’re planning to do for Zero waste week in the comments of this blog.
You may also want to check out these Zero Waste Inspired blogs on EBD:
Zero Waste Week Gather Momentum
Our Founders Zero Waste Journal
Wednesday 4 September
EBD Wednesday Wisdom Topic: Should we Boycott London Fashion Week? (Video Meet-Up)
On Wednesday 4 September at 7.30pm our founder Roberta Lee will host an online video chat to get people’s thoughts on Boycotts and see who will be boycotting LFW this year.
It’s stirred up quite a debate and divided the fashion community. We want to know what you think.
Online publication Screen Shot interviewed Orsola de Castro founder of Fashion Revolution who said she was “against” cancelling it emphasising the need to “redesign them rather than shutting them down.” saying “we need to be constructive at the same time.”
You can join in the conservation by simply registering for a free ticket here:
About Wednesday Wisdom
Every month we’ll host a short- but focused online get together. Using some of the questions we’ve collected from our members to get the conversation going. Bringing together our EBD brands and conscious consumers so that we can work together, listen, contribute and come up with ideas for a better way of doing things.
Saturday 7th September
Zero Waste Shop Tour of London. 9am-5pm
A whistle-stop tour of some of the amazing Zero Waste stores in London! Starting down in southwest London at Source Bulk Foods in Chiswick at 9am, finishing in north London in Wood Green where Zero Market N22 will be hosting their zero waste stallholders in Blue House Yard, where they’ll be a mini zero waste social.
Get Involved and join the meet-up:
Zero Waste Week: Zero Waste Shop Tour of London
Saturday, Sep 7, 2019, 9:00 AM
London, GB

Here in London we are incredibly lucky to have an amazing network of zero waste shops, and it’s growing all the time with new stores opening every month! Zero Waste Week runs from 2 – 8 September and so as part of Zero Waste London’s celebrations and to champion and help raise the profile of the zero waste shop community in London, on Saturday, 7th…
13 – 17 September 2019
London Fashion Week: Positive Fashion
Located at The Store X, 180 Strand London Fashion Week. The Designer Exhibition will focus on Positive Fashion – the BFC’s Initiative designed to champion industry best practice led by three Positive Fashion pillars: Sustainability, Equality & Diversity, Craftsmanship & Community.
These brands may not get the same publicity as those on the catwalk during LFW, but we’re certain they’ll have more to say about how their clothes are made and who made them.
17 September 2019
The Future of Sustainable Fashion
On September 17th, to mark the last day of London Fashion Week, Fast Forward 2030 will bring together innovative entrepreneurs working to shake up the fashion industry for The Future of Sustainable Fashion.
The event will explore what the fashion industry needs to look like in 2030 if we are to achieve the UN SDGs, and will ask ‘How can sustainable fashion help us achieve the SDGs?’
This event will pay particular attention to SDG1: Eradicating poverty, SDG5: Gender equality, SDG8: Decent work and economic growth and SDG12: Responsible consumption and production.
Unfortunately our founder Roberta missed a spot talking on the panel but will be going along to show her support and join the conversation.
Don’t forget to add your events or what you’re doing in the comments below!